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  • Jimmy Broccoli

Cellar Door - An Analysis

Hi All

I'd like to provide you with a very brief history of the words, "cellar door". If you study Phonaesthetics, as none of us do, you'd learn there is a pleasantness about the sounds of words and the combination of sounds of one or more words. It is the association of pleasant sounding words or phrases being associated with the "good" and with unpleasant sounding words or phrases being associated with the "bad". And, yes, some people do make a living at determining the differences.

The two word phrase, "cellar door", has been applauded by many as the most beautiful-sounding combination of words in the English language, with no regard to it's meaning.

Beginning in 1903, first noted by Shakespearian author Cyrus Lauron Hooper, and continuing with Geoffrey Nunberg, then with writers H.L. Mencken and David Allan Robertson, and then with Dorothy Parker, Hendrik Willem van Loon, and Albert Payson Terhune, and then with George Jean Nathan and J.R.R. Tolkien, and then with C.S. Lewis and several authors that follow - "Cellar Door" is the most beautiful-sounding phrase in our language of all time. And it was Edgar Allan Poe's favorite phrase.

With all this history, I present to you my latest poem, "Cellar Door". It is the first entry into my next mini-book and I hope you enjoy it!

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