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  • Jimmy Broccoli

Book Recommendations: Kira Seamon, Johanne Lee, & Parthita Dutta

Hi All

Looking for an amazing book to read? If so, please take a look at these suggestions from these 3 amazing writers!

Today's selections include offerings from a Young Adult (YA) Fiction - Romantic/Comedy - writer, a children's author (who is also an outstanding poet), and an offering from another poet, whose work is exceptional.

All three of these books are fascinating and captivating reads. ______________

Kira Seamon's "Dead Cereus" - To be honest, it is difficult finding anyone more delightful and upbeat than Kira. She and I have been (virtual) friends for quite awhile now and her enthusiasm towards life and writing is admirable. Her book, "Dead Cereus", juggles mystery, humor and factoids about horticulture. When the rare night-blooming cereus plant is scheduled to open its petals at Shellesby College’s Night Lights Gala, Holly (character) is there-and so is the killer. Holly finds herself racing the clock to save her arch nemesis, secure her scholarship, and catch a murderer… if she can! This book is lots of fun and an excellent read. I highly recommend it.

I read Johanne Lee's, "Dream Big Little One", this morning and absolutely love it! The story is inspiring and the illustrations are colorful and fun. And, the book provides an important message - children can do and accomplish (almost) anything as long as they believe in themselves. This book makes me smile - and I'm certain you'll hear about it again soon on my page and website. It's a great read!

If you're looking for a book that ranks among the best in recent poetry, Parthita Dutta's, "The Boatman Beckons", is an excellent selection. This collection of Parthita's poems gauges every emotion with valence, philosophically explores various aspects of life, and addresses contemporary world issues with open queries. It is profoundly insightful and a beacon for awakening love, harmony, and peace. It's an incredible read you won't be able to put down until the final page. It's that good.

I truly believe supporting one another is the best path for all of us to be successful.

Photo: Taken by Jimmy Broccoli. Recommendations are on the steps of the Vegetable Tray with props that have little to do with anything.

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