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  • Jimmy Broccoli

Happy Holidays!

Hi All

I want to wish all of you a very special holiday! I very much hope you are spending it with beloved family and friends - to include our four-legged (or other) family members - whether they bark, meow, hiss, oink, squeak, or produce other types of sounds we love.

This morning I received a wonderful Christmas surprise - Issue #41 of the Cabinet of Heed was released to readers across 130 countries. I'm very thankful for my poem, "Him", to be among the work included!

Below is a second photo, taken a few days ago, of me and my Broccoli Buddy. Kelly Celery suggested I use it in my Tender profile (which I don't have), but thought it would be fun to include it here. LOL.

I want to thank those who have already taken a look at my latest poem, "Disabling the Airbag" (posted yesterday). A friend of mine challenged me to write a Christmas poem - I don't think the finished product is exactly what was initially being suggested, but the poem does take place on Christmas.

The Jimmy Broccoli page, this week, has welcomed over 30 new friends - and, to new friends and fans - I'm really glad you are joining us on this adventure. For those becoming familiar with the content for the first time, the page includes my poetry, the poetry of famous poets I admire, frequent writer/artist showcases, fun stuff, resident Master Story-Teller Kelly Celery story times, musical selections nobody asked for, quotes that are meaningful (at least to me), free poetry, bumper stickers and coloring pages for children, and commentary on all kinds of different topics.

Whether friend, family, new or established Jimmy friend, or someone just taking a look around - it's great to have you here in the Vegetable Tray!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate), a very Happy Sol Invictus (to those who celebrate), a belated Happy Hanukkah (to those who celebrate), and Very Warm Wishes to those whose beliefs and lives are not reflected in the holidays this month - I celebrate you as well!

- Jimmy Broccoli

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